If you know anything about cosmetic treatments, it’s that they sometimes come with red tape. They’re simply not for everyone.

It’s good to be questioning whether you’d be a suitable candidate for a cosmetic dental treatment. We can give you a bit of a spoiler: almost anyone can enhance their teeth with cosmetic dentistry. It’s more about what you’re willing to do to achieve your dream look. Keep reading for four questions that can help clear things up.

#1. Why Are You Interested in Cosmetic Dentistry?

Are you wanting to remove dental stains? Correct crooked teeth? Polish up an old crown or filling? What you want to accomplish will affect your treatment options, so it’s helpful to have something specific in mind. Here’s an idea of what cosmetic dentistry could do for you:

  • Porcelain veneers can mask multiple front-facing flaws at once and shield your enamel.
  • Metal-free restorations provide tooth-colored crowns, fillings, and other such repairs for a seamless look.
  • Direct bonding is another tooth-colored option, but for more minor dental damage.
  • In-office teeth whitening can remove discoloration in as little as one hour.
  • Invisalign straightens teeth with low-profile, removable, clear aligners.

Your dentist might have other services that could also achieve the effects you’re looking for, so while it’s good to know what you want, be open to their suggestions during your consultation.

#2. Is the Timing Right for Your Oral Health?

Dental conditions like gum disease and tooth decay can have a negative impact on most if not all cosmetic dental treatments. If you have a known oral health issue, it’s best to address that first so you can ensure your cosmetic investments will be successful.

To make sure you don’t have a condition you’re unaware of, your dentist will assess your teeth and gums before treatment. This is all to promote the quality of your dental cosmetics, so take care of yourself.

#3. Are You Willing to Maintain Your Dental Cosmetics?

Dental technology has come a long way, but not so far that your cosmetics won’t require maintenance! Porcelain veneers and metal-free restorations will have to be cleaned as thoroughly as your natural teeth. To keep your whitened teeth or Invisalign aligners looking their best, you’ll have to take extra care to avoid stains and brush properly. Failure to invest in upkeep could very well result in unsightly aesthetics, defeating the point of your treatment.

#4. What Does Your Dentist Think?

Your dentist is a pearly white professional. There’s no one more qualified to fill you in on what is or isn’t possible for your teeth, so ignoring them would be silly. They can also help you narrow down your options or redirect you to a treatment that might be a better fit. Basically, they’re your best decision-making resource. Be sure to consult with them before you get too attached to any one dental cosmetic idea!

About the Practice

Drs. Matthew McKissock and Rupal Thakkar share the same philosophy: comfort equals confidence. When your dentist goes out of their way to provide a stress-free experience, you feel more secure about your dental team – and your treatment! If you’re interested in cosmetic dentistry, contact their office at 407-909-1099. Dr. McKissock and Dr. Thakkar will put their advanced cosmetic dentistry training to good use!

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